The Impact of Remote Work on Mental Health

In the current work landscape, remote and hybrid work have proven that they’re here to stay. According to the Pew Research Center, out of the employees performing work that can be done remotely, 59 percent are currently working fully remote.[1] While hybrid models have come with significant benefits for both employers and employees, they’ve also come with their share of negative impacts – particularly on workforces’ mental and emotional well-being.

Post-Remote Work Boom: Mental Health Awareness

Researchers from the University of Southern California surveyed over 1,000 people from 40 states and found that 74 percent experienced new mental health issues (including anxiety, stress, lowered mood, demotivation, etc.) while working from home throughout 2020 – 2022.[2] Simultaneously, people have been struggling to cope with pandemic fatigue – feelings of exhaustion, lowered mood, and decreased motivation – after continuously dealing with the events of the pandemic.[3]

However, employees and employers are quickly adapting to the new work-life balance of a hybrid model. For employees working remotely, having the option to work in nature, spend time outdoors, and take breaks for exercise are all just a few ways people have started to tend to their physical and mental well-being.

Many employers have begun ramping up their wellness programs and mental health resources. In mid-2021, a study found that only 20 percent of employers offered their employees mental health and well-being resources – a decrease from the 35 percent reported in the previous year.[4] As an organization, being aware of the causes of ongoing mental health issues is just as important as understanding the resources, services, and treatments that can be offered to help.

Strategies to Support Your Workforce’s Mental Health

So, what can employers do now to accommodate new mental health issues and ensure that an ideal work-life balance is being maintained? Candidates are keeping their well-being in mind and searching for flexible work with more benefits, and many employers have already begun responding to this movement by redefining their employee experience and offering improved benefits and mental health resources.

Mozilla recently introduced a “Wellness Week” that will shut down all operations and provide employees with ample time for self-care and rejuvenation.[5] Mozilla is also introducing a recurring “Wellness Day” – a monthly day off that gives employees additional time to take care of their mental health and recalibrate their work-life balance.

The ActOne Group is offering social, physical, mental, and financial wellness resources, as well as an Employee Assistance Program, ensuring that employees have the space and resources to maintain their well-being; Verizon is maintaining the increased paid time off implemented during the pandemic; Shopify started having “Rest and Refuel Fridays” to give employees space and time to recharge for the following week; Companies like Fidelity are actively expanding their child and elder-care benefits to ensure employees are meaningfully accommodated.

Companies can implement numerous strategies and methods to ensure their workforce has access to the mental health resources they need. At All’s Well, our expertise with employee well-being and the employee experience can help you implement the tools you need for your workforce’s emotional and mental health. To learn more about the ways we can help your company, visit  




